The Happiest Doulas

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Bottle Alternatives: Preparing for Breastfeeding Challenges

by Cynthya Dzialo, certified Hypnobabies hypno-doula and CBI birth doula, Childbirth Educator, and owner of The Happiest Doulas

I advise soon-to-be parents to enroll in an in-person breastfeeding class or hold a private in-home lesson before their baby is born so they can learn a proper latch, multiple holds, and also how to store and share milk safely. You can enroll in an online class too. Maybe to fill the time as you patiently wait for labor to start?

Get Lactation Link’s three signature online courses: Breastfeeding Basics, Breastfeeding Hurdles and How-To’s, and Pumping and Storing Breastmilk. These courses will show you exactly what you need to get started breastfeeding and manage common problems. Also, learn how you can pump and store your breastmilk for planned or unplanned time away from baby. Register for this online breastfeeding class (affiliate link) here.

If you try to "wing it" and run into any difficulty after you leave the hospital, contact a Lactation Consultant immediately to fix a problem before it take root. Most insurance companies reimburse the total cost (or at least a good portion) of the cost of a consultation so have a consultant’s number on speed dial.

Unfortunately, there are times when a baby has significant issues with breastfeeding. While it may be fastest or easiest to feed baby formula or pumped milk from a bottle, it’s too easy for babies to suck milk from an artificial nipple and this may interfere with long-term breastfeeding goals. Feeding baby with a syringe, supplemental nursing system, or cup can help protect the breastfeeding relationship while ensuring that baby is getting the right amount of food. Check out the below video, which shows how a baby can "lap" up breast milk instead of feeding from a bottle and be sure to save this post for later - just in case you find yourself needing extra guidance once baby arrives.

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