7 Tips to Better Organize the Nursery Now!

by Colleen Downey, Birth and Postpartum Doula


If any of my friends from high school are reading this, I’m sure you’re shocked that I’m the person writing about organization. Because, like, whoa. But alas, my life has led me to this crazy place of being somewhat of an expert in birth, breastfeeding, AND organizing nurseries. So hang on, because here we go.

7 Tips to Keep Your Baby's Nursery Organized and Clean

1. Only keep items you’ll use. In my experience, you’ll need 10‐15 sleepers (maybe a few extra fleece ones for cold nights), 10 onesies, 10 pants, infinite socks (seriously, those little stinkers are always coming up missing), 5‐10 t‐shirts MAXIMUM! Donate or sell anything above and beyond.  

2. Use Oxiclean. Seriously, this stuff is amazing at getting all kinds of stains out. For the really bad ones like breastmilk, formula, and blowouts be sure to soak them in the wash with oxiclean overnight and they’ll look like new!  

3. Roll everything! You know how you roll your clothes when you pack a suitcase? Same thing with baby clothes. You can see all your options and you don’t have to dig to find them. Anything that is just too bulky to roll hang up in the closet.  

4. Plan ahead. Use the dresser for the size your child is currently wearing and the next size up (For example, newborn and 0‐3 months). Keep them separate but easily accessible. Save yourself a headache and use the closet for clothing two sizes up from their current size (in this case, 3‐6 months and 6‐9 months). 

5. Have two small laundry baskets in the closet. One for clothes that are too small and one for the clothes that are too big. No matter how carefully you organize, there are always a few stragglers. Having a place to put them helps you keep out the clutter.  

6. Have a laundry basket just for your kid’s stuff and wash it separately. Not because you need special soap or anything, just so folding and putting away goes quicker. You’re a parent—you want to save time wherever you can and this is it. Ain’t nobody got time for more laundry.

7. Get a shoe box or a small basket. Use it to contain my arch nemesis—baby socks, hats, bibs, and underwear when they get older.

Simplify Now to Reduce Clutter Later

These tips totally apply to toys and whatever else you got at your baby shower, too. Trust me, your baby doesn’t need much. The sooner you simplify and get rid of unnecessary things the easier your life will be.